Waterloo Road: Another “controversial new initiative”

(Series 6, ep.3) Last week we discovered that Waterloo Road had a school nurse. This week, they were determined to use her, and what better way than to conjure up one of Waterloo Road’s famous “controversial initiatives”?

Chris Mead, who has stepped into the pastoral care void vacated by Pious Kim Campbell, decided it was a good idea to dispense the morning after pill on school premises, and not before time if the queue at the nurse’s door was anything to go by. Of course this is a serious and relevant issue, and the programme tackled it well, unusually featuring a boy (Ronan) who was so concerned about his girlfriend’s well-being that he supported her to visit the nurse in the first place, tried to steal the pills for her when she bottled it, and then rang her mum when that didn’t work.

The other person in need of a little emergency contraception was the head teacher Karen’s daughter, Jess.  The Fisher family have gone to pieces since eldest daughter Bex ran away (if they want to see her, she’ll be on Strictly Come Dancing very soon). Dad Charlie is having an affair with Maggie from Casualty. Daughter Jess’s moral fibre has come a bit loose. And son Harry spends most of his time binge-eating and throwing up, though no-one has noticed that yet.

Jess feels that, if only Chris Mead could get over this teacher/pupil inappropriate relationship business, they could have a rosy future together. Chris obviously disagrees, being an upright sort of chap. She visited him at his flat, he told her to go home and talk to her mum and popped her in a taxi. Unfortunately her sort-of friend was lurking in the shrubbery and spotted this, and will be Drawing Conclusions.

Meanwhile Lauren was busy snogging Josh Stevenson, but it seems she could be barking up the wrong tree, as next week it looks like he’ll be snogging Finn Sharkey (I know! Sounds random but if you look through tonight’s episode the clues are all there).

And Janeece was having second thoughts about keeping her baby. Working at Waterloo Road has given her a terrifying insight into what a handful kids can be.

Posted by PLA           (more Waterloo Road-related bloggings here)

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