Coronation Street: Carla’s courtroom crisis

Coro-WK42-Peter-Goes-On-Trial06About four and a half decades ago, Coronation Street announced that Tina McIntyre was to leave the show. Since then, we’ve had affairs, miscarriages, murder, wedding breakups, evidence burying, trifle smashing and Jim McDonald in the Big House but there finally seems to be a light at the end of a very long tunnel. For us, the viewers, anyway, as the storyline begins to career to its conclusion. For Peter on the other hand, things are looking somewhat bleak.

An increasingly depressed Steve, played to heartbreaking perfection by the versatile Simon Gregson, didn’t help much when he took the stand on Monday and blurted out that he thought his best mate had killed his own mistress. It was pretty much a gift to the prosecution, who were having to do very little work as Leanne also described the time Peter went for Nick with a metal bar. However, in last night’s episode, unexpected reinforcements came in the surprise form of Peter’s wronged ex wife Carla, who took the stand and ended up coming to Peter’s defence. Even in a courtroom situation, just catching eachother’s eyes across the room, Peter and Carla remain Corrie’s most sizzling-with-chemistry couple and Peter leaping to Carla’s aid as his own barrister went for the jugular was a redeeming moment for a deeply flawed character.

Carla initially set out to do what the prosecution wanted her to do; paint a bad picture of her ex husband which, let’s face it, isn’t a difficult thing to do. But, as she recalled previous instances in her head which proved in her mind that Peter could not have killed Tina, a brave and righteous Carla explained to the jury that she fully believed him to be innocent. This was music to the ears of Peter, Ken and company; with the obvious exception of Rob, who looked like someone had delivered a swift kick to his goolies. As he continued, with an increasing desperation, to insist that Peter was guilty, both Carla and Ken were beginning to smell a rat (and not just because Rob has just employed the ever moronic Todd to play the drums in his shop) 2660431238001_3822918109001_Corrie-Norris-Mobile-A-E-I-O-UIt’s all unfolding for Rob and Peter has a glimmer of hope at last but this is soapland and a fall usually follows over confidence. Peter takes the stand next; and it will be make or break time. Elsewhere in court, Mary delivered a typically flamboyant display on the stand, yelling into the microphone and hamming up her stories; a performance which meant that her counterpart, an utterly disgruntled Norris, was no longer needed as a witness. Mary and Norris’ day out at court, complete with picnic, was a much needed injection of humour into proceedings and Norris’ face when he was told he was surplus to requirements was a sheer joy.

What do you think of Corrie’s trial episodes? Do you think Peter will be acquitted or face a long stretch behind bars? Let us know your thoughts using the comments box below.

In the meantime for more Corrie craic and more, follow me on Twitter here: It will easily be the best decision you’ve made in at least ten minutes. Written By Our Man In The North


Filed under Coronation Street

5 responses to “Coronation Street: Carla’s courtroom crisis

  1. “Peter and Carla remain Corrie’s most sizzling-with-chemistry couple.” Presumably you mean compared with Leanne and Kal? I’ve never bought the idea that a woman as magnificent as Carla, who has previously known the love of Liam Connor (the most beautiful man to have ever walked the cobbles) would look twice at the mess of a human being who is Peter Barlow. Apart from when he had his brief George Clooney Similarity Phase when he got back from America with a tan and designer stubble.

  2. I’ve enjoyed the court episodes. Loved Norris getting stifled at the last minute after all his posturing! Perfection! Wednesday’s ep was a Jonathan Harvey one and you can always be sure of a win there. Carla was great and Ali King hit it dead on. The remark that made me snort was, I think, when Leanne said something about Peter threatening Nick with a crowbar, Tracy muttered “Haven’t we all?” or something like that.

    • Oh yes, that was classic! I am loving Tracy these days, some of her lines are just magic. I also enjoyed her and Ken’s faces when they turned to look at Rob when Carla told the court he had talked her out of believing Peter.

      • Yes, they have been giving Tracy some great lines! I’m grudgingly starting to “like to hate” her where before, I just didn’t like her or the actor full stop. Goes to show you what good writing and directing can do. She’s come a long way.